CRUD Operations in MongoDB

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

create, read , update, and delete documents within the collections.

Insert Operation

Documents can be inserted using insertOne() and insertMany() methods.

db.<collectionname>.insertOne({field1:value1, field2: value2})
{field1:value1, field2: value2},

Let us see an Example:

  1. Insert one document in a collection named fruits

     db.fruits.insertOne({ Name:"Mango", season: "Summer", isAvailable:true})
  2. Insert multiple documents in a collection named fruits

     { Name:"Water Melon", season: "Summer", isAvailable:true},
     { Name:"Custard Apple", season: "Monsoon", isAvailable:true},
     { Name:"Pomo granate", season: "Monsoon", isAvailable:true}

Read Operation

Documents in collections can be retrieved by using find() method.


Let us see with an example:

  1. Finding all the documents or fruits which are available in summer

  2. To get certain number of top documents or fruits whose value of season is "Summer" limit() method is used.

  3. To skip certain number of top documents skip() method is used.


Update Operation

To update a document in a collection in MongoDB, you can use the update() or updateOne() method. Here's an example of how to update a document using the MongoDB shell. The following are the syntax to update single and multiple documents


  { _id: ObjectId("yourDocumentId") }, // The query to match the document
  { $set: { keyToUpdate: newValue } }  // The update operation using $set


{keytomatch :valuetomatch},// The query to match the document
{$set:{keytoupdate: newvalue}} // The update operation using $set

Let us see with an example:

  1. To update an only one document from isAvailable: true to isAvaiable: false .

  2. To update all documents in collection from key-value as isAvailable: true to isAvailable: false.


Delete Operation

To delete documents from a collection in MongoDB, you can use the deleteOne() or deleteMany() method, depending on whether you want to delete a single document or multiple documents that match certain criteria.

The syntax for the delete query:





Let us understand with an example:

  1. The query to delete the first and only one document that contains key-value pair season: "Summer"

     db.fruits.deleteOne({season: "Summer"})
  2. The query to delete all the documents that contain key-value pair season: "Summer"

     db.fruits.deleteMany({season: "Summer"})